Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1. An attempt to prove or disprove whether a raw, vegan, juice, cooked veggie diet can help cure or relieve psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis/myesthenia gravis.

Hi, I am George. This is the first time at creating a blog. Never even 
really commented on blogs in the past, I am new to this sort of thing so 
don't be too critical of my blogging skills, instead concentrate on the 
essence of the blog itself for it might turn out to be a success, in which 
case many people that suffer from psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis/myasthenia gravis/bronchiectasis will benefit. Or it may turn out to be a complete failure in 
which case I have wasted a bunch of my time and yours as well not to mention 
putting myself throough hell. 

I am determined to prove or disprove what I keep finding in every 
direction I turn to, which is: Can avegan/ raw/juice diet help psoriasis/psoriatic 
arthritis (and the rest), and if yes what diet and to what extent?

In the first few blog entries I will attempt to give you my past medical history. 
It will be long and maybe boring to some of you so feel free to skip to the later 
days where I will be experimenting with my diet. I will try to be as accurate as 
possible,  I will also try to keep a log of stressful days and sleep patterns and 
amounts, and also if i am doing anything new like breathing exercises and meditation 
which can help my conditions. 

Why am I doing this? 
For the past 13 years I have been dealing with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis,
bronchiectasis and myesthenia gravis. I am taking a large dose of  methotraxate 
and also mestinon for the myasthenia gravis but still the diseases are progressing. I am in
constant pain & constant weekness I have become disabled with no means of income and 
have not had disability approved yet. I have tried many things and nothing seems to work.
For the past few years I have been watching my diet, eliminating meat up to 99% out of my 
diet along with dairy 95% this past year, and other things as i will discuss. Raw diets and 
veganism and juicing keeps popping up everywhere on the Internet, books & documentaries, 
but no one is clear about anything, so it has become overwhelmingly confusing.. There is no 
proven and reliable guide as to what you can and can't eat. Some say citrus is OK and others 
say no. Some say fruit in general is OK others say no. Some say cook the veggies others say go all raw. My attempt here will be a very long process of experimentation on myself, the end 
result being to prove or disprove whether a raw, vegan, juice, cooked diet can help psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis, and if yes WHICH diet and to what extent?

Why the blog?
I have been trying to follow a vegeterian diet for a while now. I have been going through a transition over the past few years where I have cut out meat and many other things. Recently 
I decided to get more disciplined and do this right or not do it at all. The blog will actually help keep me on track. In the past when I cheated I felt like crap and then I would just start the diet again the next day. If I have a following of people and support, it will make me think twice before I cheat. I would not only be letting myself down but also a bunch of people who will be following and supporting my progress. Even if I have no followers it will still be a good way of keeping track of my progress, sort of like a journal and to be able to go back and see what I have done in the past so I can correct future behavior.
If this does work, people will have a guide as to what worked for me so that they can then make the decision to either do this as well or not waste the time. From all similar blogs done like this, people where either cheating too much or did not do the diet long enough or was just eating all the wrong stuff. 

I am not a doctor, a nutritionist or an expert on this in any way shape or form. I am frustrated with my conditions and the lack of relief I am getting from the medications that I am on. Having spent thousands of dollars and euro on Dr's, tests, books, more expensive tests, supplements, salts, 1000 pounds of Vaseline over the past 13 years, medication, a nebulizer machine, gauze, special teas, homeopathic remedies, tar shampoo and the shaman I paid to pray for me, I have finally reached the point where I need to figure out how to fix myself.  I  had maid a promise to myself a while back that if I ever figured this out I would help people for free. 
This blog is free, the information is free, I am not trying to sell you 
a juicer, a cream, an ointment, a way of life, any kind of machine, a magic pill, a magic potion or a book. I am not trying to sell anything.  I am doing this for me and if anyone out there finds this info usefull, pass it on, if not God bless you and happy life to you. All points of views are respected but please keep frommaking silly comments. This will be the most challenging thing I have ever tried to do, I would appreciate some support but it is not expected. So onward... 

Day 1, 2 & 3 I cant remember exactly what I ate but it was 3 days of all  raw vegetable and fruit. I have never done more then one day of raw in the past. It just never felt natural to not eat cooked food. It will be interesting to see if there is a difference.

Diet of the day
DAY 4, Wednesday February 22nd

8:00 -9:30am
glass of water w/ juice from half a lemon 
1 banana
1 orange 

1 medium to large cucumber (raw)

1:00 pm 
1 apple

2:30 pm
1 medium size salad- romaine lettuce, onion, cucumber and dill
1 medium size salad- carrot and cabbage
Both were topped with olive oil and lemon

1 banana
7:20 pm (first bunch of cooked food since 3 and ½ days ago)
A plate full of boiled cauliflower, broccoli and celery topped with lemon. 
1 bunch of raw spinach 

1 orange 
6 dry figs
A small bunch of goji berries

Disease update  
Skin is flaking and sort of angry, raised and very itchy due to cheating that went on 6 days ago. Feet, ankles and thumbs are hurting. Low back is hurting. It is also very cold and raining here and so maybe that also has an influence. Pee has been very yellow, I am not drinking enough water. Went to the bathroom once today, I guess its normal. At least there was no mucus today. Some mucus in my lungs and my breathing is still shallow. My eyes are better then yesterday. They were very itchy and red, today much less.  I have been here before, nothing new.


  1. The onset of a condition that becomes chronic changes you from the inside, out. Your struggles are not only physical, but emotional and mental as well, and are daunting and depress the spirit leaving one feeling alone, sad and angry. Learning to accept a serious illness,or cluster of illnesses is very difficult. Maintaining a sense of hope and eagerness toward healing oneself may feel like every ounce of your energy has been depleted in your quest for finding answers and building health.
    You have been very,very courageous. You have shown discipline, integrity, and honor toward your self. It is not an easy thing to apply yourself consistently and also be the one giving yourself encouragement.
    Hope is the emotion that keeps your sights on the horizon of improvement. Nurture your hope. Be kind to self. Remember to do things that give you happiness.
    I support you in this endeavor. I lend my ear should you need to talk. I know of your struggles because I lived them with you for a time. My heart has never left wanting to help you. YOU CAN DO THIS.

  2. I have no doubt you will see amazing results with your vegan/raw diet...I support your strength and courage in going this course of healing. Having to deal with psoriasis, too, I will try this way of life altho' I somewhat see clearing with not so much as going all vegan or raw...just pretty much the 80/20 alkaline/acid balance most of the time. I know I can improve more going your way. I am inspired by you, so I will try my best! Here's to a clearer, healthier skin and body in 2012!

  3. The 80/20 diet is great for those who are healthy. According to Dr. Robert Young who wrote the PH Miracle book stated that a period of juice fasting and a period of 100% vegetable and very little fruit was necessary in order for the body to heal. Thanks for your comment, come back soon for the updates, I am only starting out!

  4. I noticed I "de-toxed" with my cleansing in the first few weeks...cold-like symptoms, more flare-ups...the flaking skin is good will feel like the psoriasis is getting worse, but it is your body reacting to the cleaner foods you are consuming...DO NOT GIVE UP! It may take time depending on how long you have lived with psoriasis. I am going on 40 years and 13 years ago I stopped all medications and on more 80/20 regime. I have clearing enough to live with, but I probably can get better if I go further and do your diet...will see as this is liveable now and I don't know if I can live without certain foods.

    1. I know what you mean, living without certain foods. In my case I have no choice. I need to do this because it just keeps getting worse. If I don't figure this out in 20 years I will be a 185 pound scab. No one will be able to recognize me, and that's if I live another 20 years. Thanks for your comment.

  5. This is a great blog! You've got my ear ( well my eyes anyways), my interest and my attention. Let do this! You my friend are a survivor and a striver!

    - audibleom

    1. I am definitely determined not sure about the survivor part. This thing might beat me in the end. Thanks for the comment, I hope i don't disappoint!!

  6. Do it for yourself and no one else...we or at least I am full support for you and even if times get hard and even looks hopeless, don't beat up yourself and at least you are making GOOD changes...this psoriasis is so vengeful at times! Every small, positive, healthy step has it's affect and you will reap the rewards one day...stress is number one trigger for psoriasis, so keep that in mind with your diet changes...make it fun and look at this journey as a very positive one!

  7. I do agree that stress is the trigger. It will become fun when it stops being painful. Thank you for your support and your comment.

  8. thank you for putting this in writing for me.i will support you and do my best to be there for you when you need me.i really hope that this diet makes you feel better in every way.i want to give you all my strength so you can achieve this to the fullest.i believe in you and i know you can do this if you put your mind to it and give it your all. AA

  9. I know I am over a year late, but I hope you kept going at it. I too am suffering from MG, and just recently (yesterday to be exact) started a blog on it. If you see this anytime soon, please let me know how your experience has gone. and even if you don't reply but see this, I hope you are doing well and are healthy. and to anyone who is suffering and thinks they are alone.. you are not. Its all one day at a time.

    1. Hello Nancy, I do come in here once in a while to check on comments. Surprised to see Simone comment. Here is an update 1 year later. I have followed a strict diet of cooked and raw vegetables excluding those in the nightshade family, lots of fruit and legumes 2-3 times a week. I eat fish 3-4 times a week. No other meat, no dairy, no grains except for quinoa which technically is a seed not a grain. This I had been doing for about a year, in July of last year I stopped taking meds for psoriatic arthritis and MG. Today I have no symptoms of MG or psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis is still lingering which is why I have decided to stop all all fruit and honey. I am taking a list of antifungal remedies and alternating them trying to eliminate candida which is probably present in me at the moment. Seems to be working, overall I am doing great, no meds at all, no pain no weakness and skin is getting better. If I can answer any questions just let me know.

  10. Bronchiectasis has immune modulating properties and is used in the Bronchiectasis Natural Treatment such as cancer and diseases originating from immune deficiency.
