Monday, February 27, 2012

6. The good list and the bad

Today has been a day of all raw fruit and vegetables. I have been running around a bit so I was not able to record the times of the meals and snacks. It has been all raw all day, a variety of lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, onion, carrot. Dry figs, banana, orange, pear, grapefruit & kiwi . Not bad for someone addicted to food.
the following is a list of the foods I know I can have and also a list of what I can't have. Blueberries will be going onto the bad list as I can see that I have had a reaction to them. 

(This list will be updated regularly) 
The Good                                                         The Bad
All lettuces                                                         All meat (except fish, needs to be tested)
Cucumber                                                          All dairy
Onion                                                                 All grain (including quinoa & rice for now)
Scallion                                                              Eggplant
Beets and beet greens                                         Peppers
Avocado                                                            Tomatoes
Carrot                                                                 Potato
Broccoli                                                              Blueberries
Cauliflower                                                          Strawberries
Wild greens
Sweet potato
Red radish

Disease update
Overall doing OK considering the small set back from the blueberries.( had similar results with strawberries a few weeks ago). Skin was a bit raised and started to flake but I would not say it was a full on flare up because it did not become very red. Skin is still pale. Joints are hurting less even though it is very humid and raining outside. Lungs are stable with very little mucus production. Stll feel a bit weaker then I would like. I need to up the amount of protein I am taking in. If I was home I would juice a bunch of stuff to get proper intake of protein but I will not be home until Thursday.  


  1. I noticed rice is on the bad list and that you said for now... does this mean it could be good? I am looking at doing something similar to what you are doing. i wonder if this changes from person to person as well.

  2. I am trying to get to where my diet is as close as I can get it to the way it was described In the PH Miracle book. What Dr. young suggests is that if you are ill, a period of 100% alkalising foods is required. He suggest even some grains such as jasmine, wild and brown rice be stopped for a period of time. When you regain health, it is possible to have some whole grains in your diet but it should not accede 10% of your plate portion. I would love to get to that point. In a few days I will be cutting out all fruit. I have still ways to go on this experiment.

  3. ...and I am sure that it does change from person to person.
